December Update
Update for the December 2023 period, including details this year's annual general meeting, and our following event.
December DBHS Meeting was the DBHS AGM. Around 20 people, enough for a quorum, were in attendance and business was carried out before we ended with a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. We do not have a full committee this year. We need two Committee Members, to help each other administer and run the allotment site. These people would preferably be Allotment Holders. If you would like to consider this, please contact Michael Gourlay, Chairman at email [email protected] or phone him on 07790 182847.
Membership fees for DBHS remain unchanged at £5 for per individual plus £12 per allotment. These are payable from 1st January 2024 and details of how to pay this will be printed separately in the January Grapevine.
The current DBHS Committee is Chairman: Michael Gourlay; Secretary: Anja Graham; Treasurer: David English; Membership Secretary: Len Hulston Grapevine Editor: Sharon Greig; Committee Member: Matthew Simpson; Committee Member (Website): Bryan McDowall. As I have said we need two Committee Members to take on the administration of the Allotments.
Our next DBHS Meeting will be on Friday 5th January 2024 from 7:30pm at Dalgety Bay Community Centre and will be Arthur Lloyd, continuing his trip across America with USA Part 2.
Dalgety Bay Horticultural Society (DBHS) holds meetings on the first Friday of each month at 7:30pm in Dalgety Bay Community Centre. You are welcome to come along to our meetings and, who knows, you may be convinced to join us. Alternatively download our membership form, fill it in then send it back. Membership is good value at £5.
If you think you may be interested in joining, please phone, Michael Gourlay on 07790 182847. He will give you all the information you require.
The “Jobs for” October part of the DBHS report is on the tips page to see what jobs you should be doing at this time of year.